About Kordco Images Stock Photography

Who we are, and what we do.

Our Company - US based, offered worldwide
Kordco Images is a worldwide distributor of mainstream real world illustrative stock still and motion imagery of broad commercial appeal. We supply clients in the visual communications industries with attractive premium off the shelf photography, through a network of large stock libraries and small specialist collections in over 100 countries.

Our Mission - Affordable real world imagery of the finest quality.
In an era of ever expanding visual expectations, we distribute relevant real world visuals made at the most attractive moments, through distributors that offer the most competitive prices. Our visuals are of places that exist in reality and are not generated by Artificial Intellegence (AI) machine learning. We began in the analog era when photography was a craft that demanded exellence at every stage of process, and we adapt that accumulated expertise into the digital era. We understand you buy content for a purpose, and with all the choices available you only want to pay the absolute minimum for the very best. Here you always enjoy outstanding value. Our images are produced for commercial and editorial licencing, subject to rights availability. Any similarity of these visuals to Art is unintended and purely coincidental.

Our Brands - Gala. Johnny Stockshooter. Russell Kord. Royale. kordMotion.
 All images were made by two human photographers, Russell and Maria de Kord. Different brand names are a legacy from when distributors demanded image exclusivity.
Since 1987, Gala Images, Johnny Stockshooter, Russell Kord Photographics, (Rights Managed - RM) stock photography. Since 2005, Royale, (Royalty Free - RF) stock photography. Since 2012, kordMotion, (Rights Managed - RM) HD/UHD stock video.

Our Content - Global real world travel destinations & lifestyle. Stills & Video.
Relevant imagery tailored to your needs - to grab attention in a millisecond, and and hold it.

Stills: Establishing shot travel and scenic real world destination imagery, from 70+ countries. Small selection of industrial, transportation and commercial subjects. Limited selection of still life, current model released lifestyle and business imagery.

Motion: Establishing shot travel and scenic destination HD and 4K UHD real time and time-lapse video clips, from North American destinations.

Our Experience & Process - 35 years, professional, global. Decades of worldwide location experience, premium cameras and optics, cutting edge technology, combined with no-compromise edits assures the technical excellence of our visuals.

Our High-resolution standards - Top quality. Bigger than big.
The stunning impact of high pixel density realism, wide dynamic range, and crystal clear reproduction is undeniable. Kordco content has always been created in the highest overall quality medium available. Most scans of stills are made from medium format Fujichrome™ film originals, or with large CMOS digital sensors, capable of outstanding reproduction at the largest sizes. Images are produced specifically as adaptable stock compositions, with enough space to be cropped in ways clients decide is most interesting.

All Kordco video is true high definition. Real Time video clips are recorded in Uncompressed 14-bit Raw HD, and we will offer Uncompressed 12-bit Raw 4K UHD shortly. Time-lapse video clips are available in HD and 4K UHD. Video meets BBC/EBU broadcast standard, and is also available in compressed H264 codec for online and mobile applications.

We have supplied clients in very high resolution environments for decades and fully understand the needs of visual merchandisers. With lengthening digital asset lifecycles, choosing high pixel density visuals at the outset is essential for flexibility, continuity, and value.

Our Scans - Clean histograms. No prepress problems.
You always have the widest range of reproduction options available. Images go through a light grade, for exposure, and could be digitally altered to remove dust marks created by scanning or camera sensor capture. No sharpening, no added contrast or saturation of colors is applied to our visuals. No images are made using superimposed multi-exposure HDR.

Our Digital Composites - Simple & clearly identified.
Images with large moons, mirror reflections, dramatic skies, or fireworks are simple computer composites. About 5% of our images are modified with added elements. Digital manipulations are identified as such within the image search keywords displayed below our Preview images. None of our images were created by AI generative software. No images are modified by AI based image software. Graduated optical lens filters are sometimes used to add or adjust color and darken parts of images to establish even illumination.

Our Rights Controls - Decades of trust.
You can be assured that when you licence exclusive rights, they are enforced and honored globally. Our established network of distribution partners have consistently demonstrated their commitment to effective rights management. Wherever possible our image captions attribute identifiable significant third party rights holders, making Content Editors task a little easier. Our images are available for all editorial uses, and commercial uses when property and model releases have been obtained or are not necessary.

Our Online Services - See it all & Custom scans. Browsing images on this website is free, and open to all.
No password is necessary. If you choose, you can also login for an account to create and send lightboxes, and to receive updates and offers.

Full Searchable Selection of current and historical Kordco still images - Stills distributors edit for particular needs, so this website offers our complete selection, and provides us flexibility to quickly offer the newest images and new upgraded scans. We show many similar frames and clips because client needs differ. We hope you'll find something that's just right. If you find an image here that's not offered by your local distributor, just e-mail us a lightbox.

Custom High Resolution Scanning for Special Projects - The compressed 8-bit 60-140mb+ Jpeg scans we supply stills distributors are great for most uses, but if you require extraordinary reproduction we can supply high resolution uncompressed Tiffs, or Camera Raw originals. To get select images at the largest scan sizes, just add your Preview selection to a lightbox, describe your project requirements, and e-mail it to us. We can quickly produce custom high resolution scans, and deliver them via FTP.

Our Personal Prints.
We do not offer imagery directly to private individuals, however some of our distributors offer automated online download services of many of our images at very affordable prices.

Our Video. Video clips are available through our stock motion distributors
and at www.kordmotion.com. Over 3000 current establishing shots of North American destinations are available for motion picture, broadcast and online applications.

Our Acknowledgements.
A very real thank you to all the cleaners, architects, archeologists, craftspeople, builders, conservationists, sculptors, city planners, lighting designers, gardeners, park rangers, police, engineers, custodians, and so many othes who create, maintain, and protect the places the photographers we distribute have had the privilege to depict. Without all of their hard work, nothing would have been possible. This gift is never taken for granted. Thanks to all the assistants, pilots of big and small aircraft, sylists, hair and make up, and drivers who made it possible for them to get to where they needed to be and create, despite challenges big and small. We are eternally grateful to Fujifilm® Corp for their superior quality high resolution Velvia® films that have remained color stable over decades. Big thanks to the Baboo Color Labs in NYC who during the analog era processed film for decades without a single mistake, a great achievement and evidence of their professionalism and dedication. A huge thank you to Linhof® GmbH for making their Technika® 4x5 and 6x17 cameras, Pentax® Camera Co for making the Pentax® 6x7 camera, all incredibly reliable and robust workhorses of the film era, and Olympus® Corp for the OM series of compact small film cameras. Thanks to Canon® Corp and Sony® Corp for the digital still and motion cameras that are used today. We acknowledge Adobe® Inc and Apple® Inc. Last but not least, thanks to those distributors past and present, whose best efforts to market our images in a rapidly evolving marketplace remain essential, and the web hosting platforms that enable us to showcase our visuals. Nothing we produce and offer is without the help of others in some important way. Thank you all.

If you made it this far, thanks. We hope you understand the underpinnings of our visuals, and still have time to view them.

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